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Charis Chio

How to Work from Home Effectively with Your Kids Around

With the pandemic outbreak, all schools are to be closed with parents and children working and schooling remotely from home. This means balancing the demands of work and home life at the same time. How do we work from home effectively while making sure our kids are not neglected?

1. Schedule

Setting a strict schedule and making sure you and your kids stick to it will be the most effective way. Having your kids know in advance what needs to be done every hour ensures they are constantly occupied, be it attending their classes online, having playtime and so on. Let your kids get a heads up on your work schedule as well so that it is communicated and understood when not to interrupt you especially during a meeting.

2. Set Boundaries

Seeing you present at home, your kids may demand more of your attention during your working hours. You might find it useful to allow more screen time to keep them occupied instead of them walking in on your meetings. However, it is crucial to set boundaries and limitations that need to be followed. Identify an area and explain to you children that this is your office space where you should not be interrupted unless needed.

3. Take More Frequent Breaks

Breaks are more important when you are working from home. Take a break to say hi to your kids or even grab a snack. This minimizes the chances of your child barging into your office area while you are getting your work done.

4. Make Shift

If you’re in a position where you or your spouse has a flexible working schedule, it is best to take alternate shifts so that you both are able to have uninterrupted work time. A little extra planning will go a long way to save the day.

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